Friday, August 30, 2019

pick a path

for writing this term we made pick a path. A pick a path is you pick where and what you want. I found this hard because some one in are group keeps changing all our slides  to pink. I liked putting in photos because  I could put in cool photo and pick what photos I liked. I did not like the writing because their was to much to write for me.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019


over the past 2 weeks for maths we have been learning division we are using the cup method you can use this   method if you are stuck on   division  watch this video to find out what i'm talking about
i have lost of confidence for division   now

Friday, August 9, 2019

week 3 goal reflection

My reading goal is to get 5 task done and marked green. I am not reaching my goal because  I am not staying on task, talking with my friends,  not doing a task every day. I am getting about  2/3 task done every week out of 9 task.  Next week I will try get 5 task done and stay on task.